Notation Guide

Print Help Tips

Various other syntax highlighting capabilities.

Notation Comment
\X Escape special character X (i.e. '{')
:), :( etc Graphical emoticons (smileys).
Notation :) :( :P :D ;) (y) (n) (i) (/) (x) (!)
Notation (+) (-) (?) (on) (off) (*) (*r) (*g) (*b) (*y)
BaseClass <|-- SubClass

Generates a PlantUML diagram.

  • type: - (optional) the type of the diagram. Possible values are: 'plantuml' (default), 'ditaa' or 'dot'
  • align: - (optional) align the diagram. Supported values are 'none' (default), 'left', 'center' and 'right'.
  • border: - (optional) border size in pixel. Value must be integer > 0.
  • hspace: - (optional) extra space left and right from the image. Value must be integer > 0.
  • vspace: - (optional) extra space below and above the image. Value must be integer > 0.
  • title: - (optional) the title of the diagram, default is none title. Only valid if type=plantuml.
  • dropshadow: - (optional) drop shadow. Only valid if type=ditaa.
  • separation: - (optional) separation of common edges of shapes. Only valid if type=ditaa.
  • format: - (optional) Image output format. SVG or PNG. Default: PNG
  • exportName: - (optional) stores the generated image as attachment if a name is given.
  • debug: - (optional) show debug information when set to true.
  • macro body: - (required) the PlantUML block. The @start and @end tags are not required. The detailed documentation of the syntax is available on the PlantUML website.

This is the output of the sample on the left side:

Foo -> Bar Foo -> Buz {flowchart}

Generates a flowchart diagram.

  • edgeArrowSize: - (optional) Size of arrows. Value must be number. Default: 0.8
  • nodeShape: - (optional) Supported values are: rect, ellipse, tab, note, component, folder, box3d and square. Default: rect
  • nodeStyle: - (optional) Supported values are: diagonals, rounded, dashed, dotted, solid and bold. Default: filled
  • nodeFillColor: - (optional) Background color if nodeStyle=filled. Colors might be defined by name or as RGB values (#RRGGBB). Default: lightyellow
  • nodeFontname: - (optional) Name of the node font. Default: Verdana
  • nodeFontsize: - (optional) Size of font. Value must be integer. Default: 9
  • format: - (optional) Image output format. SVG or PNG. Default: PNG
  • exportName: - (optional) stores the generated image as attachment if a name is given.
  • debug: - (optional) show debug information when set to true
  • macro body: - (required) the Dot block. The starting digraph { and ending } must not be given. The detailed documentation of the syntax is available on the Graphviz website.

This is the output of the sample on the left side:


Generates a graphical overview of wiki pages in a Confluence space.

  • space: - (optional) Key of space to create graph for. Default: current space
  • page: - (optional) Title of page that will be treated as root of the graph. Only its descendants will be shown in graph. Supported are
    @self start at the current page,
    pagetitle and
    The parameter space will be ignored if a spacekey is given here. Default: use all top level pages
  • depth: - (optional) Number of levels descendent pages will be shown. 0 only root pages, 1 only direct children. Value must bei integer. Default: 3
  • nodeFontsize: - (optional) Size of font. Value must be integer. Default: 9
  • direction: - (optional) Layout of graph. Supported are
    TB top to bottom and
    LR left to right.
    Default: LR
  • format: - (optional) Image output format. SVG or PNG. Default: PNG
  • exportName: - (optional) stores the generated image as attachment if a name is given.
  • debug: - (optional) show debug information when set to true

This is the output of the sample on the left side:


Generates a graphical overview of a database.

  • datasource: - (required) Datasource name. Must be configured by Confluence admin.
  • schemaName: - (optional) name of schema to visualize.
  • tableTypes: - (optional) Comma separated list of types to show in graphics. It depends on the database which types are available. Common ones are TABLE, INDEX, SEQUENCE, VIEW. Macro database-info gives a list of available types.
  • tableNameFilter: - (optional) Show only tables with these names in generated graphic. Wildcards _ and % can be used as in a SQL SELECT. An additional filtering is possible with tableNameRegEx.
  • columnNameFilter: - (optional) Show only columns with these names in generated graphic. It works like tableNameFilter.
  • tableNameRegEx: - (optional) Show only tables with these names in generated graphic. Table names are defined as regular expression, e.g. show all tables whose names start with A,B,C or D: [A-D].*.
  • columnNameRegEx: - (optional) Show only columns with these names in generated graphic. It works like tableNameRegEx.
  • showColumns: - (optional) If true column names and their data types are shown. Default: true
  • showComments: - (optional) If true and comments are available, they are shown after --. Default: false
  • showDefaults: - (optional) If true the default values are defined they are shown after =. Default: false
  • showIndexes: - (optional) If true the indexes of each table are shown below the column names. Indexes can also be shown by adding INDEX to the list of tableTypes but this will need more space on the graphic. Default: false
  • additional: - (optional) The appearance of the graphics can be changed by adding some DOT commands here. This will overwrite the default set by the macro.
  • nodeFontsize: - (optional) Size of font. Value must be integer. Default: 9
  • format: - (optional) Image output format. SVG or PNG. Default: PNG
  • exportName: - (optional) stores the generated image as attachment if a name is given.
  • debug: - (optional) show debug information when set to true. Default: false

This is the output of the sample on the left side:


Show information about databases and JDBC drivers.

  • datasources: - (optional) Names of databases to show information about. They must be configured as datasource by a Confluence admin. Leave empty to show information about all available databases. Multiple names can be separated by comma.
  • attributes: - (optional) All available attributes will be shown (default). Attributes to show can be given as comma separated list.

This is the output of the sample on the left side: